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Low carb improved Michael's sarcoidosis symptoms

Low carb improved Michael's sarcoidosis symptoms

Published on 9th Jun, 2022

Michael Best was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in September 2013. After going home and researching ways to manage his blood sugar levels, he discovered Diabetes Digital Media and the Low Carb Program.

“I was 74kg (11st 9 lbs) when I was first diagnosed and now I’m 51kg (8st); I’m the same weight that I was in my 40s!”

Before adopting a low carb lifestyle, Michael was also struggling with sarcoidosis, which is an inflammatory condition, but has found that his symptoms have improved since cutting the carbs.

“My motivation is that I like the new me. I feel more energetic and walking is a lot easier. Before, I was struggling to walk from one lamppost to the next but now I can go for longer walks, I walk everywhere now.”

Michael also attends a low carb support group in Brighton where he helps others with type 2 diabetes adopt a low carb lifestyle.

“It’s the best thing you can do, and it works”

You can find out more about the benefits of low carb by joining the Low Carb Program.

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